Oral presentation

Special Issue: Interactive systems for use by patients in hospital: disruptive or disrupting?

Charlotte Small

(A 7-7 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1102/2051-7726.2019.A007, 06 November 2019)

Original article

Assessing round window depiction in a virtual reality environment for cochlear implantation

Justin T. Lui, Garrett D. Locketz, Joseph C. Dort, Joseph M. Chen, Justin K. Chau, Sonny K. Chan, Sumit K. Agrawal, J. Kenneth Salisbury and Nikolas H. Blevins

( 85-91 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1102/2051-7726.2020.0011, 02 February 2021)

Review article

Use of virtual reality simulation in surgical training: a systematic review on predictive validity and current use in surgical curricula

Aoife Feeley, Iain Feeley, Kalid Merghani and Eoin Sheehan

( 1-13 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1102/2051-7726.2021.0001, 11 June 2021)